Wednesday, December 14, 2011

La Trinidad Council approved funding for Black Hole project -- except for one.

The entire local council approved the funding for the P580-million Black Hole project, giving Mayor Greg Abalos authority to loan money from the Land Bank of the Philippines except for lone Councilor Francis Lee.

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During a closed door meeting Wednesday last week, councilmen agreed to fund the garbage disposal technology from Japan allowing the municipality to own the foreign technology aimed to solve garbage woes here but after five days, Lee changed his mind.

Lee formally announced his stand on the matter during the closing hours of the local council meeting here, shocking his colleagues who thought the matter was a closed issue.

Lee said during an interview he was not at all convinced on the technology and was after all apprehensive in making a loan to banks. “I want to reconsider my position,” he said.

Reports revealed, after the council approved the loan last week, documents were already given to the banks to fast-track loan processing. “It does not matter if it is already approved, I just want to manifest that am not for the move,” Lee said.

For weeks, the local council deliberated on the matter of the P58-million loan, leaving the project hanging and proponents from Japan waiting for the council’s approval. “My questions were not answered; I want the technology verified by competent authorities first,” he said.

The Black Hole Project was launched last month aiming to solve the municipality’s garbage woes and is dubbed as a revolutionary project for waste disposal called the Zero Waste Management System (Super Black Hole Project).

A petition circulating in the Valley cites reasons disapproving the project to which Lee said, “I agree with the petition, it comes timely.”

Under parliamentary rules, however, Lee was advised by colleagues to file his motion next week. - (SunStar / by Ma. Elena Catajan)


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